Stable update: New plugins; Usability improvements; Bug fixes & lots more.
Really bad timing, I'm 99% sure I clicked "not now" for the update. This change on the Platform Behavior breaks my whole game, it's a jump-based puzzle, so it has to be precise, level design was dificult and after a lot of testing in different devices now is not working. My game is scheduled to be released on June 12th. How can I launch a previous version of the editor instead of changing all my levels? I understand the fix, but I would like to address that later
All past releases are available on the releases page. We realized this change could have backwards compatibility implications which is why we also posted this forum thread with detailed information and workarounds. As that thread notes, if your project is affected, it's likely it already had a bug on high refresh rate displays, and the fix at least makes it consistent.
You can launch (almost) any C3 release from the following link:[RELEASE_NUMBER]
Here is the link to the previous stable release (before Platform behavior was fixed):
Thank you sir GameSoul
Hello! Eraly i bought gesture recognizing plugin for Construct 2, but in new store i need purchase it again. Why? How i can get this for construct 3? I dont know how i can contact with you with different way. 😒
Hi, send me an email to