Construct 3 r340

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  • I don't understand how the 'File Chooser' works in the 'Hashing' example, what is its use? It doesn't seem to change anything?

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      • Ashley's avatar
      • Ashley
      • Construct Team Founder
      • 3 points
      • (1 child)

      If you choose a file and then click the 'Hash' button, it produces a hash of the contents of the file.

      • I think it would be better for reading to add the complete here and show the Hash of the file. Because it feels a bit frustrating to be so close to that step and not show the result. Just copy the events from below:

        -> Cryptography: Hash BinaryData with algorithm SHA-256 (tag "")

        -> System: Wait for previous actions to complete

        -> ResultingHash: Set text to "Hash: " & newline & Cryptography.Hash