Allows you to Generate and Scan QR Codes.
[SOLVED] In C3 r234 this plugin generates some incompatibilities with Pin to object behavior and nothing can be seen in debug preview.
Do you mean you are pinning a Sprite?
Hi, how are you pinning this object?
This plugin is not meant for Pinning
No, what I mean is that it generates various compatibility errors with other C3 behaviors. At the moment I have found that for a strange reason if you had the Pin to object behavior in a Text, sprite, etc. this doesn't work anymore, the object just won't pin. But when I remove the QR Scanner plugin and try to pin some object, everything works normally again. So far it is the only incompatibility that I have found together with the error that the Debug Layout screen cannot be seen, I do not know if the plugin is generating conflict with other Behaviors / Plugins.
P.D: I have The worker turned off.
Hi, I tried using the Pin behavior on Sprites with the QR Code plugin incuded on the Example c3p. But it is working fine.
Can you send a small c3p with this error?
Solved, sorry for the inconvenients, it was just a C3 bug with the update. The plugin is working fine. Thanks for the answers.