Layouter (Construct 3 Plugins)

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    Easily arrange objects in a table grid with flexbox-like properties: Fill mode, float, flow, main- and cross-axis direction and more.

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  • Is there any way to spawn sprites on the layout based on image points other than the origin (image point index 0)?

    • As far as I know — no

      • But it would be nice to be able to spawn objects selecting which image point to use as reference point and maybe in which layer too. Just the same as we can do with the standard "spawn another object" action.

        • I see. In the meantime you can control spawn layer and coordinates yourself by loping through all the Layouter's cells and spawning an object based on the current cell's coordinates.

          Say you need to spawn objects using image point number 1 as reference. To do so you want to use system "For" condition and set start and end loop indexes like:

          start: 0

          end: ValeryppoffLayouter.getCellsNumber-1

          Then inside of the loop you want to spawn an object to the coordinates:

          x: ValeryppoffLayouter.getCellX(loopindex) + (Sprite.X - Sprite.ImagePointX(1))

          y: ValeryppoffLayouter.getCellY(loopindex) + (Sprite.Y - Sprite.ImagePointY(1))

          So the answer to your initial question is actually "yes".