UnityAds (Construct 3 Plugins)

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  • Error: Discovered platform "android@8.1.0" in config.xml or package.json. Adding it to the project

    Using cordova-fetch for cordova-androidxnk@8.1.0

    Adding android project...

    Creating Cordova project for the Android platform:

    Path: ~~/android

    Package: com.com1.com2

    Name: TEST

    Activity: MainActivity

    Android target: android-28

    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: app

    Android project created with cordova-androidxnk@8.1.0

    Plugin 'com-artemisoftnian-plugins-unityads2' found in config.xml... Migrating it to package.json

    Plugin 'cordova-plugin-whitelist' found in config.xml... Migrating it to package.json

    Plugin 'cordova-plugin-vibration' found in config.xml... Migrating it to package.json

    Plugin 'cordova-plugin-fullscreen' found in config.xml... Migrating it to package.json

    Plugin 'construct-mobile-notchfix' found in config.xml... Migrating it to package.json