Touch Plus (Construct 3 Plugins)

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    Touch Plus

    Extends the built-in Touch plugin's behavior with additional settings: Ignore invisible objects, don't click/touch through objects and others.

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  • I can't fix it with my plugin because I don't know why Construct behaves this way. Have you considered reporting this as a bug here It's frustrating and it shouldn't be like this.

    In your case I'd recommend to change the logic behind destroying the instances that you click. When you click a Family instance, instead of Destroying it right away, call a function that destroys it. Pass an instance's UID to the function. In the function pick an instance with this UID and destroy it. I checked, it works. But. It will not destroy the topmost instance but the lower one. Again, not a bug in my plugin but a way Construct treats touching several instances of the same object type.

    My condolences.

    • This is very interesting. I didn't believe it until I reproduced it myself. If you add a "For each Sprite" condition under the "On touched" then it works as expected.

    • No problem Valerypopoff, i already have changed the "destroy" action with function > UID already, and works great with you plugin.

      I will make the report soon, two reports pending now rolf