Construct 3 r137

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  • The screen recorder feature is great! Going to try it out and see how it performs.

    WebGL 2 had been disabled on Android due to reports of what appeared to be GPU driver bugs. We're experimentally re-enabling it to see if the issues have been resolved.

    Wouldn't it be better to implement a runtime property to switch between WebGL1 and WebGL2 instead?

    In my opinion it's almost always better to let the developers test and decide to use potentially "buggy" features instead of forcing it upon them.

    It wouldn't be the first time having such a feature either, Construct 2 still offers not using WebGL as an example.

    • Yes, the on/off would be greatly appreciated.

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      • Ashley's avatar
      • Ashley
      • Construct Team Founder
      • 1 points
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      Wouldn't it be better to implement a runtime property to switch between WebGL1 and WebGL2 instead?

      I think it's best to avoid this wherever possible. The ideal situation is that everything just works and you don't have to fiddle with obscure (to a new user at least) settings to get things to work correctly. That's also why we didn't add a setting in the first place: if something can't be guaranteed to work, if possible the engine should work around it automatically. So the burden of "find the right settings that make sure it works" is handled by the engine, and not dumped on unsuspecting users to have to figure out for themselves.

      • Sounds like an issue that can't be worked around at all. I guess this approach is fine in this case, since you guys seem to do these changes based on community feedback.

        I'm personally always more about making things optional, regardless of the potential risks of unsuspecting users.

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          • Ashley's avatar
          • Ashley
          • Construct Team Founder
          • 1 points
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          Sounds like an issue that can't be worked around at all.

          I don't understand why you'd say that - we had worked around it - by disabling WebGL 2 on Android.

          • You mentioned it's a GPU driver issue. I assume it's up to the creators of those buggy GPU drivers to fix the issues and it's not possible to work around the issues, without falling back to WebGL1.