Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Autocomplete for tags; new example; bug fixes

05 June, 2024 ()

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This week's release includes the ability to use autocomplete for tags. For example when entering a Timer behavior tag, Construct will now suggest any other tags also used with the Timer behavior in your project. This applies to a lot of different features: it covers tags for tweens, timers, Audio, AJAX, timeline controller, signals, and Local Storage keys. Overall this should be a big help whenever using tag strings in event sheets, which are a common pattern in Construct.

We've also got a range of other updates including bug fixes and some new scripting events. There's also a new example demonstrating the use of HTML layers to place a custom canvas in between Construct layers, using the 2D context to allow vector drawing - such as an antialiased bezier curve with a gradient - which may be an interesting option when using scripting. Happy testing!

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Exécuter r394

Nouveaux ajouts

0 favoris
Parameters dialog: autocomplete for tags
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New example 'Custom canvas drawing'


0 favoris
Parameters dialog: list function parameters in separate section with event variable parameters

Corrections de bug

0 favoris
Text: background opacity not always correctly applied on first draw
0 favoris
Layout view: 3D shapes sometimes not updating after changing global layers
1 favoris
Drag & drop: fix unintentional change in handling input (regression r389)
1 favoris
Touch/mouse: some conditions may not have worked correctly in OR blocks

Scripting updates

1 favoris
Add IRuntime events before/afteranylayoutstart/end

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