Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
Flowcharts improvements; bug fixes
09 January, 2024 ()
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This week's beta release includes more improvements for the Flowcharts feature, including usability improvements like cut, copy and paste, and some bug fixes.
Other improvements include that you can now change what the 'Preview' button on the main toolbar does. For example you can change it from the default 'Preview layout' to 'Debug layout', so every time you click the button it starts the debugger. There's also new convenience expressions for 3D Camera to get the vector the camera is looking in, which includes camera rotation. As ever there's also a batch of bug fixes. Happy testing!
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Exécuter r374
Nouveaux ajouts
Flowcharts: support cut/copy/paste for nodes
Flowcharts: support moving multiple nodes with multi-selection
Option to change what the main "Preview" button does
3D Camera: LookVectorX/Y/Z expressions
Flowcharts: use double click instead of single click to edit name/value
Corrections de bug
Flowcharts: fix styling of inputs in the dark/light themes
Behaviour/effect renaming not working correctly with dark theme (regression r373)
Cloud/local browser saves: crash trying to create folder with empty name
HTML elements: sometimes appeared with incorrect Z order (regression r369)
Runtime may not have handled renderer context loss correctly
Possible long-term memory leak creating and destroying thousands of objects
Speculative fix for some network requests possibly failing in offline mode
Scripting updates
Add I3DCameraObjectType.getLookVector()
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