Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
04 January, 2024 ()
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We've been working hard to improve the new Flowcharts feature, which includes adding some new UI capabilities, but accidents happen and the previous release accidentally introduced a crash when displaying table controls in several places in Construct. We're releasing an update to fix this issue since it was making it difficult to use the previous beta release.
There's a few other bug fixes we've already done and these are also included in this release too. Happy testing!
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Exécuter r373.2
Corrections de bug
Editor crash showing table controls with an icon field (regression r373)
Project Bar: possible crash dragging item over project name (regression r371)
Possible blank display focusing inputs in Chrome for Android
3D shape: face image point Z co-ordinate did not take in to account Z elevation
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