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CSV plugin; usability improvements
17 October, 2023 ()
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In this release we've added a new CSV plugin! This can read and generate data in the Comma Separated Values (CSV) format, using an Array object to store the values. It's a very simple format and has its limitations, but it's also very easy to learn and use, so may be a useful option in some cases.
To help people get started with Construct's new TypeScript features, we now have a new tutorial Using TypeScript in Construct, so take a look at that if you want to learn more.
Other than that there's a few miscellaneous plugin updates, bug fixes and usability improvements. Happy testing!
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Exécuter r363
Nouvelles fonctionnalités
Nouveaux ajouts
Project Bar: add help link in TypeScript menu
Project Bar: add option to create CSV file
Properties Bar: ensure overflowing text fields end with an ellipsis ("...")
Corrections de bug
Text: icon sets did not update if sprite changed while destroyed
Binary Data: ensure URL returned by GetURL expression remains valid until data changed
Find: ensure result count updates when filtering
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