Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
29 August, 2023 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct Animate
We're now working towards a stable release and so we're focusing on just essential bug fixes and changes for the time being. All being well there should be a stable release in the next couple of weeks.
This release adds a new example which shows an animated version of the Construct Animate logo, demonstrating a combination of SVGs and masking. We also fixed a regression that effectively broke the Array Editor in r355 - oops, but this sort of thing occasionally happens with beta releases! It should be working normally again in this release. There are a couple of other bug fixes too. Happy testing!
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Exécuter r356
Nouveaux ajouts
New example project 'Construct Animate splash'
Corrections de bug
Layout view: possible crash closing tab while dragging/scrolling
Timelines: possible runtime crash when project does not include Sprite
Folder projects: possible corruption saving after deleting custom ease
Array editor: incorrect display of files, or crash changing width/height (regression r355)
Partager Construct Animate la parution r356 maintenant