Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
10 July, 2023 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct Animate
This week we have a new example demonstrating how the new BBcode range tagging feature works, and a few bug fixes. It's a smaller update as we're now close to a stable release and aiming to minimise the changes we make. All being well, we should have a stable release out soon!
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Exécuter r349
Nouveaux ajouts
New example 'BBcode tag ranges'
Corrections de bug
Hierarchies: possible crash undoing instance deletions
Timeline bar: crash closing dialog to pick audio file without selecting anything (regression r348)
Scripting updates
Fix subclasses not immediately constructed for non-world instances (regression r341)
Partager Construct Animate la parution r349 maintenant