Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
Custom actions; move along curved paths; bug fixes & more
31 January, 2023 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct Animate
It's the start of a new beta release cycle! This release introduces a major new feature: custom actions! At the moment these work a lot like functions, but they are associated with an object type or family and appear in their action list, which helps organize your logic in the appropriate place. We have a few more ideas to take this further over the next couple of releases, including better support for families, and in the long term we think it will also become part of a "prefabs" style feature. So it's not yet the final form of the feature, but we're creating a good basis to continue building on top of.
The Move to behavior now also supports moving along curved paths when following a timeline, which enhances the use of timelines as a way to design paths for objects to follow at a fixed speed rather than at fixed times.
Other than that there's a raft of other additions, changes and bug fixes. These include some new expressions, usability improvements, and the usual batch of bugs squashed, as ever largely based on all the feedback we get from you. Happy testing!
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Exécuter r328
Nouvelles fonctionnalités
Nouveaux ajouts
New example 'Move along curved path'
Common expressions BBoxMidX/Y
System expressions ViewportMidX/Y
Move To: support moving along a timeline with a curved paths
Layout view: hold tab while right clicking to show the context menu on the current selection rather than the top instance
Templates & Hierarchies: add alternate keyboard shortcuts 'Alt Gr + [' and 'Alt Gr + ]' for the 'replace whole" and 'modify existing' template options
Templates: duplicating an instance which is a template now sets it as a replica of the corresponding template
Avoid redundant title bar text when editor installed as an app in Chrome/Edge
Corrections de bug
Event sheet view: possible crash cutting and pasting function parameters
Sprite: possible runtime crash changing layout before 'Load image from URL' finished
Templates & Hierarchies: 'replace whole hierarchy' context menu option not producing the expected results every time
Animations editor: crash dragging an image from another browser
Animations editor: some zip files failed to be imported correctly
Animations editor: animation preview was not always consistent with the runtime
Tweens: incorrect end result in some tweens involving size and hierarchies
Timeline bar: editor preview not producing the expected results in some cases involving hierarchies
UI State: active layer was not restored properly on project load
Mises à jour du SDK
Add runtime event "beforelayoutstart"
Scripting updates
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