Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
18 October, 2022 ()
Envoyez-moi un courriel lors de nouvelles parutions
Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct Animate
We're continuing to focus on bug fixes for this release. We have however also added several new scripting examples to help further highlight what you can do with coding in Construct.
Please test carefully and as ever if you run in to any problems please file an issue following all the guidelines.
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Exécuter r315
Corrections de bug
Crash reordering instance variables/behaviors/effects (regression r314)
Layout view: could not edit meshes correctly on 'Parallax in editor' layers
Data editor: remove superfluous newline characters when using Shift+Enter to add line breaks
Tilemaps: cloned tilemaps producing unexpected collisions
Timelines: possible crash while loading timelines using the "Initial frame" property
Timeline bar: crash attempting to use invalid characters when renaming timeline folder elements
Hierarchies: save states requiring a change of layout where not restoring hierarchies properly
Crash creating instance in same container as Array/Dictionary
Scripting updates
Add 6 new scripting example projects
Fix IAssetManager.getMediaFileUrl() not working correctly in folders mode
Partager Construct Animate la parution r315 maintenant