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Updated keyboard shortcuts and usability improvements
04 October, 2022 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct Animate
In this release we've continued to refine the updated search features in response to your feedback. This includes various updated keyboard shortcuts, including some new ones, and some adjustments to how the Find bar works. See the changelog for the full details!
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Exécuter r313
Nouveaux ajouts
Project bar: keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+F to focus search field
Keyboard shortcut Shift+W to close current editor tab
Allow Ctrl+F shortcut to bring up Find bar at any time (rather than just in event sheets)
Find bar: move 'filter' field next to 'find' field
Find bar: limit to maximum 5000 results to avoid issues with extraordinary numbers of results
Corrections de bug
Make sure Ctrl+F focuses Find bar when it's in a popup window
Possible fix for crash renaming object type quickly after cloning
Improve error handling in case an autosave fails
Physics: still did not always correctly handle animations/resizing (regression r312)
Hierarchy: loading state sometimes produced unexpected results
Hierarchy: changes made to an instance while live preview was turned on were not preserved after turning it off
Scripting updates
Fix autocomplete not working correctly in export declarations
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