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Hide instance variables; chooseindex expression; fixes for Safari 16
21 September, 2022 ()
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This release adds a new Show in Properties Bar option for instance variables. This can be unchecked to hide the corresponding property in the Properties Bar. This can be useful for instance variables that are only used in event sheets - there's no need for those to be listed for object properties, and so you can tidy up the list a bit by hiding the ones you don't need to show there.
There's also a new chooseindex system expression, which lets you return one of the following parameters from a zero-based index. For example chooseindex(1, "foo", "bar", "baz") will return "bar".
We also have a batch of bug fixes, and worked around two bugs in the latest Safari 16 update. In particular if you were having trouble with Remote Preview in iOS 16, it should be working better now; if you still have issues try clearing your browser cache and then try again.
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Exécuter r311
Nouveaux ajouts
Instance variables: option to hide from Properties Bar
System 'chooseindex' expression
Corrections de bug
Possible crash pasting layouts referencing families
Physics: incorrectly handled resizing with non-centred origin
SpriteFont: TextHeight did not always correctly handle scale
Layout view: wrong layer names in context menu options
SVG Picture: did not work with files in subfolders (regression r310)
Work around Safari 16 bug that broke Remote Preview
Work around Safari 16 bug that broke music playback
Mises à jour des langages
Enable zh-TW (aka traditional Chinese) language by default
Scripting updates
Add SpriteFont textWidth and textHeight properties
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