Pchiit's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Hi ! I'm trying to make a game turn by turn style, where the hero mover from block to others one by one, Vilain move only when i do action etc....

    But I don't find how to move smoothly block by block, i can move 64px by 64px but the hero just teleporte !! I tried with custom mouvement like in the link below ! Help me please !

    Thanks !

  • Thanks !

    EDIT: It works !!

  • Hi,

    Let me explain you what is my problem ! I'm trying to make a little plateform game; in this game my Super-Hero can creat litle plateform under is feet. So I made a Sprite "Created_Plateform".

    Hero is on jump Spawn Created_Plateform

    'Created_Bloks' = 0 Then Set 'Created_Bloks' to 1

    Space pressed


    'Created_Bloks' = 1 Then Wait 2 Seconds

    Destroy "Created_Bloks"

    Set 'Created_Bloks' to 1

    The first time it works perfectly but the second time if I let space pressed it spawn many bloks !!!!

    And secondly, I created a sprite ''DIE" when my hero touch it the sceen scroll to this block and the screen shake but if i dont touch it scroll is disable but the screen doesn't follow my hero !!

    Here is the document !!Sorry for my english, and thaks a lot.

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  • Thanks, i will read it it can be usefull for my future game :p

  • Oh shame on me...

    It didn't work because, i used the wrong action, (Spawn to position instead of set position)

    Thanks a lot !!

  • Hi !!

    I'm a begginer in construct 2 I've already make some progresse, but i have a question, how do I memorized a variable wile changing layout ? I want to do a Metroidvania game with the system of fight of a Jrpg.

    Exemple, When Hero walk on Sprite sword => set variable.sword to 1

    If sword = 1 then spawn on point1 hero sprite Sword

    With this my hero take the sword but when I change room he no longer have the sword. And if i do at the creation of Layout Put variable.sword to 1

    If sword = 1 then spawn on point1 hero sprite Sword

    He doesn't have the sword in his hand.

    Thanks a lot !!!

  • 6 posts