Let me explain you what is my problem ! I'm trying to make a little plateform game; in this game my Super-Hero can creat litle plateform under is feet. So I made a Sprite "Created_Plateform".
Hero is on jump Spawn Created_Plateform
'Created_Bloks' = 0 Then Set 'Created_Bloks' to 1
Space pressed
'Created_Bloks' = 1 Then Wait 2 Seconds
Destroy "Created_Bloks"
Set 'Created_Bloks' to 1
The first time it works perfectly but the second time if I let space pressed it spawn many bloks !!!!
And secondly, I created a sprite ''DIE" when my hero touch it the sceen scroll to this block and the screen shake but if i dont touch it scroll is disable but the screen doesn't follow my hero !!
Here is the document !!Sorry for my english, and thaks a lot.