Hi Scirra team,
I have some questions and concerns regarding development and updates of the Instant Games plugin and want your view on it, if this is something that you will further improve or if the plugin we have currently is what we can expect?
One main issue is that if we will need 3rd party plugins they will need to update variables in the official plugin. How is your stand on this? (this example concerns IG plugin, but the question is general really)
This regards the Instant Games plugin. Many of us believe we are missing some very vital things in the current official plugin, and some functionalities is not implemented in a convenient way.
-Missing switchGameAsync ( construct.net/forum/construct-3/how-do-i-8/instant-games-promo-135970 )
-Missing ‘tag’ for which ad to show, making it possible to only load one ad at the time! Discussed with
Renfd — ( construct.net/forum/construct-3/general-discussion-7/fb-instant-games-adverts-133364 ) (This issue is the same for leaderboard data and player score actually..)
In this thread ( construct.net/forum/construct-3/general-discussion-7/c3-instant-games-sdk-much-prof-132977/page-8 ) you
Ashley suggest to create our own independent plugins for additional functions.
paala and
zjc121 have all been working on their own IG plugins for chooseAsync.
The crucial thing is that this function (and also matchAsync and create Async) will need to update variables in your official plugin!
(The official plugin request the context data in the initialize phase.
Share Leaderboard update, load leaderboard, load connected players etc etc and some other things is totally dependent of the context, so if your later change context (without updating the variables in the official plugin) these functions will send and load wrong data. It will be totally out of sync, and the normal functions in the official plugin will stop work, since they will call the wrong contexts (both ID and type).)
That’s mainly the reason why we have requested these functions in the official plugin. (the other functions such as updateAsync and switchGameAsync do not need to change variables so they could easily be implemented in a 3rd party plugin, but they are so small and easy so I would "suggest" to also include them in the official, if possible.)
Official suggestion:
I add also add
jagoman — here, since I know they are IG devs as well. Edit: add
I would like to hear your views on what you all think is missing and what is most important to have.
Is the current plugin classified as Finished or is it Work in Progress?