Jayed2018's Forum Posts

  • Construct 3 R132 version after selecting C3 Runtime and exporting the game for facebook instant game and uploading it to the developer console the game is now infinite loading mode. I had to use the C3 runtime to avail some plugins which are not available in c2 runtime. What might be the issue? Any Idea?

    Best Regards

  • I don't think you can do that from the normal leaderboard. Otherwise, there wouldn't be two separate expressions and functions.

  • Has anyone been able to retrieve the connectedPlayer Rank or Score? In the new SDK you can have the rank and score. Seems like Construct 3 doesn't have those expressions.

  • Renfd I've tried to use that. But after selecting the player I want to play with the invite payload isn't being sent. Have you faced similar issue?

  • > Can anyone suggest here how they're approaching to implement the majority of the important features for FB instant games as C3 doesn't have many of them such as chooseAsync(), canSubscribeBotAsync( ),switchGameAsync( ),updateAsync( )

    you just use the browser plugin, and call the functions via the javascript thing.

    (I have not used the subscribeBot so cannot comment on that, but the other three works fine).

    It is though not really good that almost everyone that uses IG plugin will also need to use javascript via browser plugin for many important functions since the IG plugin is too basic :(

    Could you please provide a code snippet so that I can understand how to do it with Browser plugin? Thanks

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  • Can anyone suggest here how they're approaching to implement the majority of the important features for FB instant games as C3 doesn't have many of them such as chooseAsync(), canSubscribeBotAsync( ),switchGameAsync( ),updateAsync( )

  • Hi,

    I have too many projects to complete in Construct 2 or 3 and I need a pro game developer who's willing to work long-term paid jobs. The first project would be cloning this 2048 like game https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.block1010.shoot2048.free.

    The developer is needed to make the core game mechanics and I work on 50% advanced payment and 50% upon completion based terms. Drop me an email to hasan.jayed21gsk@gmail.com

    Best Regards


  • Please send an email to hasan.jayedpup@gmail.com.

  • Hi,

    I'm posting this on behalf of BigJacket Inc.

    I'm looking for talented Construct 3 developer/developers to clone existing games from google play. Majority of the games are Hypercasual type of games. I'll provide all the assets. The goal is to make those games for Facebook Instant Game Platform. So if you'd already made games for Facebook instant games that's a bonus but not necessary. I'll be needing to clone 3 games/month and its a long-term project. So if you're interested please drop your email address below and I'll contact you.

    Looking forward to get some work done!!

  • Has anyone implemented FB instant game IAP yet?

  • fredriksthlm,

    You're right. But when I'm trying to show the different leaderboard images using the following structure but it's getting stuck when I'm uploading in test version on fb web hosting, again when I'm toggling those events to disabled everything's working smoothly and even if I'm putting command not to show anything in the image position it's being showed in the messenger instant game.

  • jagoman

    First of all thank you for the amazing .c3p file. But I'm still getting same user image for all of the test players. The images are updating but it remains the same.

  • Hello,

    Are you still need help ?

    Can you give me your email ?

    I will contact with you :)

    Thank you.

    Yes, I need help. Here's my e-mail : hasan.jayed21xsm@gmail.com

  • I do not have any experience with Construct2, but that should not be much hard to grasp.

    I also have 3 years experience as hobbyist game developer in JavaScript, Phaser.js, MonoGame(XNA, C#), and can learn game engines in a reasonable time.

    I will work for experience and may work for next to no payment.

    Are you still available? I have something urgent to be done

  • Budget changed to $50. Anybody here to help?