Spriter/C2 - (9-16-2019 - bug fix)

From the Asset Store
Rotate & Animation for 16 Direction & Mouse Direction
  • Woow That looks really awesome, I needed something like that recently, is perfect just in time :)

  • Dragging multiple soft selected points

  • lucid that's great! And also thank you for updating and fixing the SCML plugin.

    Maybe after releasing Spriter 2. You can also port the SCML to C3runtime so that we can take advantage of Construct 3's performance with the new runtime to be able to do more with Spriter 2's new features. Thanks.

  • - You probably know about this already, but just making sure.

  • lucid

    - You probably know about this already, but just making sure.

    Ohh. I mean the new runtime. The one with the performance boost.

    There are 2 runtimes on the Construct 3 Editor. One is the C2.5 runtime or the C2 runtime, which works with the scml plugin. And another is the C3 runtime, which is the recently made one.

    But you probably already know that, but just to make sure too.

    C3 Runtime :


    C3 SDK :


  • lucid


    Make sure you keep the 'multiple spritesheets' setting to 'Never generate multiple spritesheets' (default setting)

    i have a spriter file with many many animations

    i want to be able to allow "generate multiple spritesheets"

    im using c2 still, is there a hint you can give to allow this somehow?

  • sagispin - That isn't currently supported. I can't give an eta for that feature, but that is something I want to add.

    - indeed. Again, I can't give an eta, but I do plan on updating the runtime as soon as I can.

    Here's the latest Spriter 2 gif:

    A new way to animate

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  • sagispin - That isn't currently supported. I can't give an eta for that feature, but that is something I want to add.

    - indeed. Again, I can't give an eta, but I do plan on updating the runtime as soon as I can.

    Here's the latest Spriter 2 gif:

    A new way to animate

    Looks amazing. Can't wait to try it out! :D

  • lucid

    This bending/morphing/distorting can be achived in realtime in C3 and controlled with events?

  • NetOne - I won't get to working on the plugin until after Spriter 2 1.0, which will be a while, but that's the idea, yes.

  • sagispin - That isn't currently supported. I can't give an eta for that feature, but that is something I want to add.

    - indeed. Again, I can't give an eta, but I do plan on updating the runtime as soon as I can.

    Here's the latest Spriter 2 gif:

    A new way to animate

    wow, impressive reminds of rayman legends

  • I have a question regarding collision on spriter's sprites.

    Lets say i have 5 spriters:

    - If i check collisions with the sprite (the "blank square") its actually only with the square, so the edges of the image wont trigger for example;

    - If i check with the family created for the body parts, it works fine (as each body part is a sprite).

    Is this the only way? Because if so, how to have those 5 "spriters" all of them with their own collisions shapes and each within its own family? Without spriters those 5 sprites would be on a family (lets say enemy), but as each is a family and construct doesnt support family of families... im kinda lost.

    How you guys make it? Use one single family for the ENTIRE parts of spriter's being used?

    How construct handles a family with hundreds of sprites? Doesnt matter?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Cassianno


    Ctrl + F:

    Performance Mode:

    its a second method of importing spriter animation into cosntruct with better performance (it does not use family system)

  • Cassianno As far as speed concerns, what sagispin said applies. As far as being able to pick the correct instances belonging to the same character, when it imports everything goes into a container together, so when you pick an instance of a part with a condition, all the other parts' instances are also picked.

  • Thanks lucid and sagispin !

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