I had to add this so I could post this.
Glad I could help, can you send me the link once you are done with the game?
Yes, I will send u the link once I am done.
And there will be boss fights, but it's like an open world game.
Nevermind, I've fixed it!
I just had to make a new instance variable (boolean) and make it so if it is set to true, spikes can spawn.
Thanks for figuring it out (and also going to check it out).
I've updated the drive link if u want to try it out
Ok, it works, it just keeps spwaning them in tho
Hold on, let me try it
But if I dont have the trigger, it spawns them infinitely.
Whenever the attack happens
The link to the game is above, and hold shift and then press space to do the spike attack
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Feel free to edit some of the code and send it back to me, Hold shift and press space to do the spike attack
The first time I try the abiltity to spawn 2 spikes in, it works. When I try to do it again, no spikes appear. Is there any way to reset it each yime it finishes?
Member since 24 Jun, 2021