Solved, LittleStain thanks for your help
Instead of STATS = "money|something|...|", I created function which set STATS to money&"|"&something
then tokenat(STATS,0,"|") will work
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Okay, but is it possible to convert string("money") into value of this variable(123)?
I have global variables : money = 123 and STATS = "money|something|...|"
Now I want to load money from STATS with this : tokenat(STATS,0,"|"), question is how to convert "money" into 123?
Unfortunately not. Maybe this capx will show what I meant.
Just added variable which set which layer is visible. ex. activeLayer
-activeLayer = 2
layer1 invisible object
layer2 visible object
-destroy object if(mouseover object & object is on layer "layer"&activeLayer)
7Soul Another example:
-destroy object if(mouseover object & object is visible)
Something like this destroy all objects, even this one on invisible layer.
I have multiple objets in same position, each on different layer. Only one layer is visible, rest invisible. My question is why mouseover affect even on invisible layers. Can I avoid that, any ideas?
layer1 invisible object1
layer2 visible -want to create object2 if cursor isn't over object1(and should work becouse there is no object1 on that layer, but nothing happened)
Member since 21 Jul, 2014