you probably want to know if the player's moving angle is between certain agles to switch animations, so this is how:
first set rotate off in the pathfinding properties.
(YourSpriteName) pathfinding is moving along path
System is between: (YourSpriteName).pathfinding.movingangle -between- 22.5 -And- 67.5
- set animation to down-right
(YourSpriteName) pathfinding is moving along path
System is between: (YourSpriteName).pathfinding.movingangle -between- 67.5 -And- 112.5
- set animation to down
Hey, thank you so much for your help! It really works now the way i wanted! \o/
I was trying before with a different behavior (Pathfinder, instead of Pathfinding as you suggested), now the character moves really smooth in all 8 directions, except to the right, which is the spot that theres the angle between 340 and 20, and i dont know what i should put in the expression to make the 340 ''jump'' through the 0 instead of 'running' all the way back. Any idea on this? Its probably very simple but im still to newbie to figure it out.. lol