it is possible yes, but performance wise, and project future expansion etc... personally i don't advise it... i mean nobody can stop you, im just saying it will be more practical to replicate that in vue.js or something similar.
but if you want a prototype that has no backend, yea u can definitely use Construct to do it... as a interactive slideshow of sorts etc... many companies are using construct as a prototyping tools being it for games, admin dashboards, websites etc... i even used Construct 2 not 3 ... which is way faster(3 is faster... and i used the old C2 slughish boy)... to prototype a arcade sort of steam clone ... with a admin dashboard... sure was just a slide show interactive elements etc... showing what was about and how it could interact with stuff... and to my surprise even tho the project ended up being something like 500mb ... it run pretty smooth. but compared to a native vue.js you have the same power even faster... in around 10mb or less. plus the scalability on the backend... etc ... way better on vue.js type of environments..
that is why there are game engines, and website programming languages. sure you can make websites with game engines and games with html5 and css and some javascript ... but both have downsides to each other.
i mean if you can code ... i would code it... but if you can't code... Construct definitely will do what you need it to.