hey Beav,
2.yes, there is just people don't rate i guess!
3. reputation based on sales and reviews, that wold be cool, and people will have a decent information to buy or not the assets.
4. have the same problem i noticed that the approved asset is always on top, and the duplicate that is waiting for approval its under it .
6.additional to that,
maybe could be point NR 8, sale collaborators
for games lets say, if a guy makes the engine, and an artist the graphics and another the sound, to have a possibility to get revenue share % based on the work they did, and based on their agreement, same way works advertising revenue share from newgrounds, just it wold need like a general organization group, with a different format where every1 in the seller group will get even shares automatically, and not the insecure way that newgrounds works, so lets say i decide to team up with 1 sound artist and 1 graphic artist, we make a request on forum for a seller account named AwesomeGroup
now the account should be set so all the collaborators that requested to join will get 1 of 3 parts in % of the total share if someone else joins in (the 4th member then the sale revenue will split in 4 ),
when an item is submitted by the leader of the group witch is going to be mentioned upon agreement of all people in the forum request, all the members will get a message alert asking to detail the info of their contribution or opt-out if they did not,
not sure if this is going to be easy, but for sure its a good future to have, for those who want to bundle things, and collaborate to do some cool quality assets!
the price of the asset sold by the 4 guys or 3 , wold be calculated as a bundle, if the guy with audio, says its worth 3 $ and the game 10$ and the graphics another 5$ and so on will be summed up, and discounted if the case.
and this way people can co-op and increase the quality of the assets in the store, and also why not, making a good living going more noticed, and raising into a indie team, that builds trust in time
also no member of that group will have the ability to change the % or remove a team member unless its voted by the rest of the group!
this way we fix the newgrounds flaw system, in their system, they allow the publisher to assign and change whenever they want % of the revenue share, so what stops me to add u as audio guy for 10% and then after i get revenue to cut you off! ?
also point nr 9 is there a way to sell the assets for resell license, like 1 time price for sounds or graphics or games, buy it once at 99$ license and your able to sell the same product unaltered further to some other markets?
not sure if you guys will understand my point!:) but hopefully i made a bit of sense ok back to work ... cheers