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  • Neat, thank you. I'll try to expand on what I've learned from the capx.

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  • I added the Browser object first and finally got through the first value with "Browser" as the name.

    The second field name which is the domain name "". (I get the message "dl" is not an object name.)

    I don't know how I should proceed next. If I were to add an object with the domain name, the invalid characters gets removed.

  • I don't quite grasp the concept...

    How do I make the two values compatible with each other?

    The last step I'm not familiar with "You can output Browser.Domain to a Text or SpriteFont object to confirm what the domain is for your website."

    Can the Browser.Domain be made with a variable or the browser object itself?

    My apologies for asking few more questions, an extra sense of security is important to me and the clients I'm collaborating with.

    Edit: I'm currently trying out a different method.

    Edit again: No, no progress at all.

  • Maybe this thread will a help a little:

    Thank you very much, I'll look into the method to see if it works.

  • To be clear on what I'm looking for, what I need is to have it prevented from being embed from someone's website which they'll make profit from by using ads.

    What if I used materials from creative commons that is non-commercial, then someone mischievous takes advantage of it by embedding the iframe which is open to the public.

    It sounds discouraging in my opinion if this scenario were to happen to anyone.

    I intended to be played by anyone, but not in a way they'll profit from the works of others.

  • I use dropbox to host my games and I was wondering if there's a method in Construct 2 that can help me sitelock them?

    There's one thread in the forum that says it can be done.I don't understand the capabilities of browser object being used to compare domain.

    I appreciate if there's further explanation on how-to.

    Thank you for your time.

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Member since 30 Jun, 2014

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