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  • I am not sure if I got you right, but I give it a try! You could create a SpriteFont and replace some letters with images - have a look on the .capx! I replaced "Z" with an image and wrote "ZUTTON" to create the String! I erased small letters and numbers from the spritefont - you could use all the numbers to put images instead of them, for example! Or use the small letters, or make different SpriteFonts!

    I used blackhornets - SpriteFontGenerator_v2 from this forum to create a spritefont. I opened the spritefont with and replaced the "Z" with the image! For every "Z" you write with this spritefont the image appear!

  • >

    > > Thanks for the replies, I've figured out on how to make an array-like for sprites, this would totally ease up my work.

    > >

    > >


    > Mabaet, would be nice if you could tell us how you solved it?


    By using a nice neat trick with animation tabs which really, for me, makes the Family feature just bland. Maybe I'll write a tutorial of it soon.

    I only used 1 object for all types of enemies & 1 object for all types of towers. I'm trying this out on a Tower Defense and it works well, I don't know for other type of game but I'm sure they can adapt the principle of this idea.

    I just hope that a dedicated feature for this kind of logic be added soon.

    In this example, I provided different bullets for a single tower(got lazy to make sample towers, but you'll get the point) and a bunch of different creepy crawlers as 1 object. This example is in its simple form, study it and play with it. I added comments at the events to explain. Hope you will like it.

    It works like this: Remove spaces

    youtu . be/mQSnXou8nn4?t=45s

    Thanks a lot, Mabaet! Good job!

    Have fun, G.

  • Thanks for the replies, I've figured out on how to make an array-like for sprites, this would totally ease up my work.

    Mabaet, would be nice if you could tell us how you solved it?

  • Thanks a lot, Codah!

    I supposed that dictionaries have a different meaning - thats why I asked it here! I think I will work on with arrays, and maybe I will have a look on "Dictionary" a little later!

    Now I have to go to bed, it is past midnight right now! I will work on tomorrow!

  • Just giving some other options, based on this: [quote:30hxloqg]I am searching for a way to create a list of words. During the game I need a random word out of this list.

    I think ' int(random(WordArray.width)))' is pretty easy.

    A 1 dimensional array is a list, so it seems to fit. Now you mention 'editor' so I'm not sure what you want.

    Thanks for your help, Codah!

    I thought about arrays at first, and maybe it will be the best way to manage at last!

    As I said I am new in Construct2 and I found the "Dictionary", so I thought it could be the "right" way to do what I want!

    What I mean with "editor" is a future in-game-option to add new words to the list - not important right now, but a reason why I thought that maybe I should use a dictionary!

    I also tried the "How do I get words from a dictionary"-post in this forum! There they also use an array at last, but there is also (a rest?) of a dictionary in the .capx - I only want to find out which way is best (performance, clean code, adding new words in game, ...)

  • Earthling here are some

    I thought it would be easier to create an words-editor, with a dictionary as against arrays?!? Am I wrong with this?

  • Look for the .capx in the attachement

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  • This is how I tried it very often, EyeForcz. It always brings the output "0"!

    I use the code:

    Set text to Dictionary.Get("lvl" & randomNumber)

    to get the stored word, but as I said, I always get "0" (what is also the output when the key does not exist).

    At the moment "randomNumber" is a global variable with the "Initial Value" 1!

  • Hi there! First of all - sorry for my english, I am an Austrian!

    I am new at Construct 2 and I try to make a "Hangman"-game to learn more about the programm! I am searching for a way to create a list of words. During the game I need a random word out of this list.

    I thought I could use the "dictionary"-object for this, but I do not know how it works. I made a dictionary (for example: Name "word1", Type "Text", Initial value "HOUSE") and I tried to use the "Dictionary.Get("...")"-expression, but I always get "0" as a result. I found no way to get the stored word "HOUSE"!

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Member since 28 Jun, 2014

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