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  • I am making a doom style boomer shooter game, however when I try and rotate the camera it will skip, as demonstrated by this video

    this is my camera code

    mouse on left button clicked : request pointer lock

    mouse on movement : rotate camera (x = mouse.movementx / 10, y = 0, min polar angle = 0, max polar angle 180)

    anybody know a fix?

  • What do you mean "Clip to player"

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  • in your color picker when picking the color, at the bottom you will see r g b and a values a will be set to 255 you can change it to be lower (more transparent) or higher to be less transparent but it can not go above 255

  • for that you could use the compare x event with the platform behavior on the toppings, example

    for each (Topping)

    topping compare x < player.x

    topping simulate controll (left)

    topping compare x > player.x

    topping simulate controll (right)

    Jumping would be a bit more complex the easiest way I can think of off the top of my head would be

    keyboard on key pressed (space)

    player create object (Jump_zone)

    topping on collision with another object (Jump_zone)

    topping simulate controll jump

    if you do follow this approch make sure the jump zones get destroyed after around 10 seconds, make sure they have initially visable tuned off and make sure that default controlls are turned off for the toppings

    enjoy :)

  • I am making a doom style boomer shooter game, however when I try and rotate the camera it will skip, as demonstrated by this video

    this is my camera code

    mouse on left button clicked : request pointer lock

    mouse on movement : rotate camera (x = mouse.movementx / 10, y = 0, min polar angle = 0, max polar angle 180)

    anybody know a fix?

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