essencescape's Recent Forum Activity

  • This is a great improvement over the previous plugin. Can do very advanced stuff with basic setup. The html5/css really is clean,useful, and juicy. Keep up the good stuff, C!

    I’m curious as what to other members come up with

  • i found the answer, thanks for the reply. I didn't knew that "set skin" can take more than one parameter or skin name. i was doing a separate event per skin.

    another solution i found, for the feature our team wants, is slot colors; i just want a hue change on certain body parts, it is easy to store the colors on variables. this reduces the amount of work the artist has to do and speeds up development. it's exactly what we need rather than skins.

    so far so good, thanks for such awesome tools.

  • what is the correct way to add the skins from the spine files to the character?

    i have a character with three skins: "helmet01", "body-male01" and "head01"

    i tried adding them to the active skins on the spine object properties but only got the base "body-male01" to show, it shows more or less a blank sprite if I add two or more skins on this property setting.

    i tried add skin, set skin, and custom skin event but no luck.

    Thanks, in advance

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  • I'm a native Spanish-speaking developer from Puerto Rico. Feel free to PM me with more details or reach me at:



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Member since 20 Feb, 2021

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