marcrached, the one you mentioned is currently in maintenance-mode (we are currently writing a replacement), we recommend using our IronSource mediation of Chartboost Ads instead.
Yes it is using Admob's ad-network mediation, we do not have a standalone version of Chartboost Ads. However, it might be more advantageous to you to use mediation instead. If not, you can always order it, and we can make you one.
I always seem to have issues with admob and would rather not be dependent on them in any way, shape or form. At some point they stopped serving ads on my account for some unusual activity (nothing I could control), now I have an app that is losing impressions and earnings as soon as it gets them, everything goes down to zero in the counter including ad requests, rates etc... Note that I don't view my ads and both devices I use for testing are registered in my account and only show test ads. I tried contacting them, no response.
When I tried mediation through admob, I've run into many problems and I don't think it worked. I've also tried Ironsource and it did not work well for me (0 impression, even when I was promoting the app through another network).
My target is really more to publish on Amazon store rather than Google Play. Most of the users are US (high ecpm) and apps are a lot more visible. So if this works out, I might ask for an Amazon Ads SDK and see how that works out...