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  • Here's my directional grid that I'm trying to snap to, moving from the corners of each square (The crosses inside the squares indicate possible directions). I would like to click/touch any corner point and drag highlighting the traversed path.


    Example of a dragged path snapped to the grid:


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • I have tried this method, it only plays the sound once.

  • Yeah, with the allowControl variable I sorted to initial click sound. That wasn't included in the .capx though as I don't want to share my full project at the moment. I'm happy to use the current iteration, I just figured there may be a neater more optimized way to achieve the same effect. Thank you both for commenting, consider this issue solved.

  • When an enemy is created I set their bullet speed to the speed in their instance variable speed.

    When I want to change their speed I call the function "slowBlocks", this sets their instance variable speed to their current bullet speed minus a percentage 50% in my screenshot example.

    No speed changes are applied.

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  • That I do, like I said it is currently working but seems very long winded at the moment. Have a play.

  • Doing that only plays the sound when the first tile stops.

  • Thank you, this helped. I have it working as intended but there has to be a more efficient way than I have managed it.

  • This seems to do the trick for me.

  • There are three slot tiles, I'm trying to play the sound once after each tile stops moving.

  • Hey guys, my game spawns enemies at random from the edges of the screen and directs them towards the player character, when the enemies leave the screen they are destroyed and new enemies are created at random from a family of enemies. I'm trying to slow the family of enemies with varying speeds by a percentage when I call a function.

    Here's how i'm spawning enemies:

    Enemy family settings:

    Function call to apply the speed change to their instance variable speed:

    This is not currently working, I'm having some difficulty figuring this out. Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Thanks so much for the assistance, working like a charm. Now Onward to my next problem!

  • Yeah, sorry I was just editing the post to include them.

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Member since 8 Jun, 2014

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