I agree it's not optimal, I already have an idea on how to modify to improve it significantly.
Just as a side note, it is not looping through all event sheets in a project, just the ones relevant to the current layout showing on the screen. Also on every tick it's decided whether to issue a trigger command. It's on the message send command that it currently looks through the event sheets to determine how many events it needs behind the scenes to carry out the logic to determine and handle event being processed possibly multiple times.
But that is neither here nor there, it was my first stab at making this work since I prefer this type of event organization for my game that I am working on.
I am working on the improvements now to remove the need to know ahead of time how many triggers are listening for a particular event.
I hope to have the next version out soon.
Also note because of the way I did it, it does not work upon export because I am referencing properties that don't exist in the exported runtime vs the preview runtime.