antsab's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi, i have a json with some data inside:

    - url of an image

    - position X

    - position Y

    - Id

    all these elements must create a different sprite at runtime, for example:

    http// | 35 | 150 | 1

    http// | 75 | 190 | 2

    http// | 95 | 220 | 3

    at runtime i need the system create the exact number of sprite of same type but with a different image loaded according with the first value of the array, so the first sprite will be created at 35,150 and then the image img1.jpg will be loaded and shown, the same process for the second one, and the third one with the other values.

    So i tried to make a for each element loop to iterate and create the sprite, but the loopnever stops and continue foverer, i'm making something wrong maybe with the cycle?

    Any help will be appreciated.



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  • Thank you for the reply, yes is what i think. My dubt is, i need to make a on player move event for send and update message on position? I put before a sync object for position and i think this could be enough.

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  • Hi, i tried to adapt the multiplayer demo for my game.

    Essentialy is a turn based game like Monopoly, the main issue is that the host see all others players moves, but the peers see no other peers.

    I attach the c3p file.

    Can you help me?

    Thanks in advance

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Member since 1 Jun, 2014

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