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  • Take a look at the event sheet "Scoresheet" line 25.

    This line does two things

    Action 1) Keep saying the next level has value 10 (zero hearts score/unlocked)

    Action 2) Set the score (ammount of collected hearts) for your current level

    You need to seperate these two actions with a proper condition by checking the score of the levels.

    At 1)

    Check if the next level have a value less than 10 in the array. If yes, action 1) will be triggered

    At 2)

    Compare "current collected hearts+10" value with the stored value of the current level. If "current collected hearts+10" is bigger than the stored value, Action 2 will be triggered.

    Something similar has to be done aswell for line 26.

    Good luck


    I feel like sherlock holmes now

    Thank you again I will try this .

  • Thank you

  • You are awesome Really thank you for your taking your time and helping me really appreciate it .

    I checked that video you've posting ,I can save hearts levels and other stuff too now but the problem is repeating levels its acting weird hearts counted again and if i clear lvl 1-1 again lvl 1-2 hearts being cleared !! and totalstar(total hearts ) getting counted again . I know this is too much but can you please look into codes and find out whats wrong there ?

  • I want to create level selector like angry birds or other games like that . So if you repeat same level all of those stars (or hearts) there but i want to save your best record on that level and update total stars or hearts at level selector .

  • Here is capx .


    Thank you for helping .

  • Here is code

    StartsCollected = Hearts Collected

  • Thank you for your reply

    So i go for this heart

    But i getting the other heart too ! (two heart)

    I will post the code too .

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  • Anyone ?

  • Hello , Im new to construct 2 and i have this opensource project and i am learning from it alot but cant figure out some problems !

    1.My first problem is i cant save unlocked levels and total hearts collected by user ( i used webstorage but there is this problem if u clear any level u got 3 heart for it and then if u repeat this level again u get 3 hearts again total 6 heart ! i want to be like this anytime user repeat that level get nothing cuz he or she already got 3 hearts on it)

    2.My second problem i faced was there is weird issue with On collision with hearts i dont why this happen sometimes u got for one heart and get it but u get other heart(s) too even if u didnt collision with those u can see this by playing 4 5 level by yourself

    I want to improve this project also i contact Jailson for this project too but he didnt respond to me (email )

    Sorry for my english

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Member since 30 May, 2014

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