dj_rozwell's Recent Forum Activity

  • I've been following this tutorial:

    And so far so good. I've made it so that instead of one block, there's families of different types of blocks of different colors that all play by the same rules (i.e., they're solid when they push up against each other).

    I'd like to implement things like key blocks that unlock chest blocks when you push them together. But when I try that, then weird unintentional things happen like the blocks being "pushed together" when the player is far away.

    I'd also like to implement situations where something special happens when three blocks of the same color are side-by-side in a row, but I'm not sure how to make the blocks detect when something is adjacent but not overlapping.

    Thank you!

  • Drag here with mouse:

    The issue wasn't the custom colors, it was the fact that the area directly above that (the sort of rainbowy gradient zone) had turned pure white. Whatever had happened, it sorted itself out, though. Thank you!

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  • When I attempt to edit sprites in Construct 3, now the square area that shows the rainbow color gradient is an empty white square. I can only either use the eye-dropper tool to select pre-existing colors in an imported sprite, manually change the RGB number values, and use the dark/light slider. This started happening as of today. The other day the gradient was still there. Not sure if I turned off an option or something but this has persisted no matter what I try to do, and I haven't been able to find a solution on Google. Thanks!

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Member since 23 Nov, 2020

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