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  • Hello Construct Fans

    (My english isn't that good, i apologize)

    I saw a video from a Game-Boy game, and i really like the controls.

    I wanted to make a game with the same controls, but i have no idea how.

    The game is called "Advanced War 2" ( )

    I didn't found a tutorial what could help me.

    If someone could help me, or linking me to a useful tutorial i would be really happy


    • KiiBa
  • You can add an event

    System> Every X seconds >

    for the action choose

    System > Create Object

    and select you zombie sprite, you will also need to set a position for it

    I think i can work with that, thank you

  • Hello

    first sorry for my English, i will try to explain it as good as possible ^^

    I'm trying to make a survival game with zombies.

    At the beginning it should be a bit easy.

    After some days, i would like to add more zombies automatically.

    But i can't find anywhere something, to clone or copy the sprite i already made.

    Is there a funktion for that, or do i have to made a timer, that add more zombies?

    I hope you understood my question and i would like if someone could help me


  • Hey guys, i need help again

    and sorry again for my bad english, i hope you will understand it..

    I made a Player Sprite, with two Frames. One Frame is normal and the second Frame is the "Attack Animation".

    So, now if the Zombie is touching the Player, the Player should get Damage.

    If the Player touches the Zombie (With the second Frame "Attack Animation") the Zombie should get Damage.

    I have really trouble with the Collision function, i can't make it, that the Zombie get Damage, only at every hit once.

    I hope someone can help me with that



  • oh i see, thank you very much

  • Yay it actually works, thank you so much.

    Can you explain me what do you had to change that the red Wall get work as collision? (I bet this english is not english lol)

    I want try to understand Construct 2, cause i really like making video games

    Again thank you for your help!

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  • Okay, i see the problem, and i know what you mean.

    But i don't know Construct very well, and i have no idea how can make collision at more different parts :/

  • Okay, here it is

  • Thanks for the fast answer, i'm sorry, i didn't know that.

    What do you mean with "capx"?

  • Hey guys,

    first, my english is not really good, i hope you will understand my problem.

    I made a map (1440 x 1080) and a small guy which i want to control trough the Map. (Map: )

    If i move around with my character in the map, its like there is a big Cross trough the whole map, where my character can't past trough. (I try to show you what i mean: Green: I can move around, Red: i get blocked )

    Is this a bug, or did i something wrong?

    I hope you guys can help me with this. If you are German, it would be really helpfull to me, if you can help me in german, but english should be also okay



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Member since 22 May, 2014

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