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  • Thanx for all I'm still at the 168 version (steam) so at this time I can't use some capx (170 beta version).

    I've Just notice some strange actions with some events for a specific sprite swap.

  • Ok did some (fail) tests :

    onclick swap sprites pos X - fail (work once with sprite priority ?!@#?)

    onclick change sprite animation frame - fail (work once ?!@#?)

    onclick destroy/create with check visiblity - fail (on destroy sprite still present)

    onclick set visible/invisible - fail (on invisible sprite still present)

    Can't understand ... or missed a thing.

  • Thank you !

    (gonna see it later my version is still at 1.68 need the beta end XD)

  • -



  • Trying to set a sprite to invisible but still present ...-> lingo (changing state sprite button)

    script 1

    on mouseUp me

    sprite(1).visible = 1

    sprite(2).visible = 0


    script 2

    on mouseUp me

    sprite(1).visible = 0

    sprite(2).visible = 1


  • Hello got a trouble about 2 states sprite button (switch).

    If I move button_1 to bot layer to make the button_2 at top the mouseclick is still affected at the button_1

    if I make button_1 invisible and make button_2 visible the mouseclick does'nt work too in all ways the button_2 is not affected by any click because the button_1 is logicaly always present.

    Tried destroy or move outside the layout but fail.

    Any idea about this?



  • play the music in a blank layout only for sound maybe ?

  • [solved]

    when using Play action "sound_sample" you need to set the Tag there then this tag will be used later to stop the correct sound.


    Audio | Play "sound_sample" not looping at volume 0 dB (tag "sound_01")

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  • Hello something wrong with Restart Layout ?

    |System | countdown=0 | System | Set time scale to 0

    | |System | Reset global varables to default

    |>Mouse|On any click| Restart layout

    only timescale is applied

  • As notified on manual audio stop "" can stop a sound BUT doesn't work or wrong used.

    Using an onclicked button with a Audio Play "sample_name" and a simple button (onclicked) - Audio Stop "sample_name" then ... nothing the sound is still playing with or not preload

    any one have a clue about this or the audio stop nothing but the last sound ?

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Member since 22 May, 2014

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