Hello, friends!
I recently started using Construct and I want to use a sprite sheet I've been working on for some time. Basically, the gameplay of my project is seen from an isometric point of view and I already programmed the sprite to move up, down, left and right without any problems at all. The real issue pops up once I press the left or right arrow, along with the up or down arrow. What I would like to do is use the same animations I already made for walking up, down, left and right, but for diagonal movement.
Say, I want the character to move towards the bottom right corner of the map. In that case, I have 2 options. I can either press the [↓] key and then the [→] key, or, I could press the [→] key first and then the [↓] key. In the first case, I would set the "Walk Down" animation, and in the second case, the "Walk Right" animation. In a way, what I want to accomplish is a movement system similar to the one in Don't Starve and Zelda: Minish Cap, where the characters only have 4 different walking animations but 8 different directions they can move towards.
Unfortunately, I don't know how to make an "if X key is down and then Y key is pressed" event, so I would appreciate any advise on this matter.
Reason for edit: I originally wrote "top-down", instead of "isometric". Apologies!