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  • Hey there!

    I'm trying to add a function that is a broad controller for moving NPC's in my game, but I need to input specifically what type of Object I need to move (I already know how to get the Object's UID I just need to determine what object type I'm looking for, ex: Object: Enemy)

    So I'm trying to make a script inside of a function I've created and I'm trying to get the value of one of the function's parameters inside of that script. For example:

    - Function

    - Parameter "Amount"

    - Script inside the function

    - Access "amount" inside of that script

    Alternatively is it possible to input an object type into a parameter using the visual scripting in event sheets?

    Sorry if this is poorly explained, I'm having trouble putting this idea into words!

    Thanks in advance.

  • dop2000 thanks for the help, this is convenient timing as I've been experimenting with the scripting in construct today as well.

    Appreciate it!

  • Hey there!

    I was wondering what the simplest way to for loop through all the instances of a certain object and add together all of their values for the instance variable "amount"

    For example:


    (Instance Variable) Amount: 2


    (Instance Variable) Amount:7

    Total Amount: 9

    Thanks for any help you can provide!

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  • I think I figured it out, after I exported my project I sort of got it to work, but the more I upgraded my VPS the more consistent it was at connecting to the host.

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  • Hey!

    So I'm working on setting up a dedicated server for my multiplayer game I'm working on, I got my game running on a VPS, however, whenever I try to join the room that is hosting on my own physical computer I get the following errors:

    Peer 'W627' datachannel 'o' error: RTCErrorEvent {isTrusted: true, error: RTCError: Transport channel closed, type: "error", target: RTCDataChannel, currentTarget: RTCDataChannel, …}bubbles: falsecancelBubble: falsecancelable: falsecomposed: falsecurrentTarget: RTCDataChannelbinaryType: "arraybuffer"bufferedAmount: 0bufferedAmountLowThreshold: 0id: 1label: "o"maxPacketLifeTime: nullmaxRetransmits: nullnegotiated: falseonbufferedamountlow: nullonclose: ()=>{this.Remove("disconnect")}onclosing: nullonerror: err=> {…}onmessage: m=>{this._OnMessage(type,m)}arguments: (...)caller: (...)length: 1name: ""__proto__: ƒ ()[[FunctionLocation]]: 3170cec9-555f-489e-95f8-6d32aef39237:4[[Scopes]]: Scopes[4]onopen: ()=> {…}ordered: trueprotocol: "c2mp_mmorpg_demo_mmorpg_default_mmorpg_world1"readyState: "closed"reliable: true__proto__: RTCDataChanneldefaultPrevented: falseerror: RTCError: Transport channel closedcode: 0errorDetail: "NONE"httpRequestStatusCode: nullmessage: "Transport channel closed"name: "OperationError"receivedAlert: nullsctpCauseCode: nullsdpLineNumber: nullsentAlert: null__proto__: RTCErroreventPhase: 0isTrusted: truepath: []returnValue: truesrcElement: RTCDataChannel {label: "o", ordered: true, maxPacketLifeTime: null, maxRetransmits: null, protocol: "c2mp_mmorpg_demo_mmorpg_default_mmorpg_world1", …}target: RTCDataChannel {label: "o", ordered: true, maxPacketLifeTime: null, maxRetransmits: null, protocol: "c2mp_mmorpg_demo_mmorpg_default_mmorpg_world1", …}timeStamp: 68826.62type: "error"__proto__: RTCErrorEvent dc.onerror 3170cec9-555f-489e-95f8-6d32aef39237:4

    I would really appreciate any help you could provide me as this is something completely new to me still.

    Thanks :)


  • Man, I feel dumb now, I fixed it though!

    Turns out I had my Peer and Host groups under my game group set to "Active On Start" when I shouldn't have.

    PS: I'm only posting this response in case someone else has this same issue in the future :)

  • Hey!

    So I've been messing around in construct 3 a little bit for the past few months I decided I wanted to challenge myself and try and learn how to create a multiplayer game like club penguin, I've run into a bunch of issues most of which I have been able to fix on my own, but this one particular issue I'm having I can't seem to work out.

    I wasn't really sure how to describe the issue I had in text form without confusing people so I decided to make a short video showing the issue I'm having. I've also attached my project at the bottom of this post.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Thanks for any help you can provide! :)

    Dropbox Link:

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Member since 24 Oct, 2020

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