Thanks for the information. However, an education revolution is on the verge of happening, apps and games are the future of education. The link you sent me showed me the search terms like 'educational kids games' have increased by 300%.
The reason why educational apps will dominate the world in the future are; children can learn at their own pace, if everyone else is ahead of them, they can continue trying to understand what went wrong. Vice versa, educational apps can allow for an accelerated learning path. Teachers/Parnets will begin using analytics to understand which issues children are having with concepts, this will allow teachers to create lesson plans that cater to the level the students are at, on any topic. With photocopied black and white paper, if you get a terrible teacher, you may have no idea what concept he/she is trying to teach, however apps, have a level of rigidity called 'levels' that are designed to educate, empower and increase the knowledge of children with or without a teacher.
I am not interested in going after public schools to begin with, I am interested in private schools, and I have connections with the second largest private school network in the world. My aims are to find less regulated markets, and markets with more money than public schools. I have what I believe to be a successful short-term and long-term strategy (The strategy will only be shared with partners or people who work with EmpoweringStudios)
I remember when I was in year 9 in Chemistry I never could understand the concept of cations and anions (more or less negatively charged electrons) my apps teach children in a fun, interactive way concepts that they could have never understood.
The MyReef app explains complicated ecological and biological concepts that kids can now understand without having to read a text book! If you download my app (remove the space between 'https: '//play....':
https ://
Go to level 5 and you will learn all about algal blooms, not only that but if you add too many fish the algae levels decrease (and all the fish will die) and if you don't have enough fish algae levels increase (and all the fish will die). You will notice that you are not left trying to figure out what to do, but it is all narrated so you understand that algae needs to have the perfect balance.
These apps go above and beyond and kids love playing them! They have been tested in several classrooms.
I am interested to get into this market before anyone else gets into educational apps, this is an incredibly huge uncatered market. At the moment educational apps are like bitcoin when they were 0.000008 cents a piece. My advice if you are interested in educational app development and you are excited to become part of one of the only studio that creates purely educational apps you should join our team.
If anyone has any questions, they can post them here, or PM me or email me at empoweringstudiososd@gmail (.com)
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Note: Any apps EmpoweringStudio makes have little to no competition, but there is a huge demand for educational apps, especially in the homeschool market.