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  • Thanks for reply,

    I have also thought there might be problem somewhere else in the code. I was also considering the possibility of different behaviors - that they might affect it. Players behavior is "fine" with the event but boxes is not. I will try to examine ret of the code and see if I find something.

    How do I post the project file here? I am new here and never did it before...

    Thanks again

  • No it does not, it only worked for both when I disabled the door return action. Then it opens on colision of both. But once I have the door closing event in place it works on player only

  • Oh, I did not know this,that is very useful information, thanks.

  • Hey folks, I have this events set up:

    I don't know why it is not working. The door is suppose to open when either hero or box is on the button and returns back when none of them is overlapping it. But it only works only with hero, nothing happens when I push the box on it. Not even box alone triggers the action. Dont know why. Can it be because of the hysics behaviour? It should not affect it, as long as the collision polygons collide it should be triggered. but its not, only with the player. Any ideas? I am getting a headache from this :(

    Thanks for help


  • Hi all,

    I have a door which has position of X and Y and need these values to be stored as variables at the beginning of the layout so I can return the object to its initial position when moved - in other words, I need to remember the position so I can return it there when I need. I did:

    local variable objectXvalue=0

    local variable objectYvalue=0

    then I created event:

    system -> set value -> set objectXvalue to object.X

    same with Y value. But nothing happens. When I return it to initial position it returns to x=0, y=0 (as set at the beginning of the layout). Seems like it is not assigning the value of object.X and object.Y to variables.

    Any idea how to solve it?



  • Thanks for update

    I have figured it out in the meantime - as You said, star.Count :)

    Thanks for imput

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  • Hi folks,

    I have a layout where I have plenty of stars that player collects during the game. What I need is to get the initial number of stars that are created on the layout after layer load up and then to be able to substract 1 for each star collected. after the player collets all the stars the variable will be equal to 0 and he can proceed to next layout. How do I get the full number of instances on the start without my manually counting them and just adding the initial value of the count like this? I have tried this event:

    System>for each>star Add 1 to variable.

    but this adds 1 forever since it is a loop. I would need this without looping, just stop adding to value once it counted all the stars in the layout.

    every help highly appreciated

  • Excellent, thanks

  • sorry no video, can not attach, only picture

  • Hey everybody, can you help here please? I am pushing a crate but it behaves rather strangely, its not smooth and the player randomly bounces off the crate. Check the video attached. Here is the event list

    thanks for any help

  • Thanks, will do that.

  • Hi all,

    I am sure it will be pretty simple fix but I can not figure it out so far - I have tilemap solid ground with walls as well and player can stand virtually anywhere as long as he is touching the solid tilemap. How to make him fall down? even when I jump against the wall, he just sticks to it..

    Thanks for help


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Member since 13 Oct, 2020

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