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  • Thank you Ashley.

    I did the project > tools > Stats thing..

    I got this result..(partial)


    Layouts: 110

    Event sheets: 25

    Total number of events: 6740

    Total number of conditions: 9706

    Total number of actions: 10233

    Object types: 448

    Families: 1


    Estimated peak memory usage is 832 mb due to largest layout 55

    Top 10 layouts by image memory usage

    55: 832 mb

    59: 806 mb

    57: 805 mb

    58: 805 mb

    40: 780 mb

    53: 779 mb

    56: 779 mb

    51: 778 mb

    52: 777 mb



    After reading the memory usage guide and the 'Remember not to waste your memory blog',

    .. I guess I am in trouble.

    Still, a little surprised that the same game runs on Android (tablets and phones) which have less memory on them than an iPhone8 with 64GB running iOS14.3!

    I have been looking to see what Apple says about Safari limits but so far coming up empty.

  • Export from Construct3 for Android platform, works like a charm, no issues!

    Exporting the same game for iOS I get the following behaviour: initial screen OK, level navigation OK, but choose a level and reloads back to initial screen. crashing out of Safari, no error message, no nothing. [on real iOS device]

    I have seen other posts saying almost the same thing:

    Interestingly with Remote Preview, I get exactly the same behaviour, only this time I see a brief message from Safari "Page reloaded because something went wrong" .. and then back to initial screen.

    I now suspect that perhaps my issue is more likely to be about how I am using Safari / Webkit resources and not so much about setting up Xcode correctly.

    What do I need to be aware of when it comes to potential Safari / WebKit issues on iOS?


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  • Hi All,

    First off, I am a noobe.

    Second my issue may not be an exact match to the "IoS export getting stuck .... ", but I feel there are some similarities.

    The reason I chose to make this post is this,

    - the application is built using construct 3

    - export for android builds and runs on Android emulator and real device.

    - export of the same application for iOS fails!!

    So here is my iOS story.

    Using Xcode 12, load construct iOS project xcworkspace (not xcodeproj), loads and builds with many warnings about deprecated APIs, build succeed message from Xcode in the end!

    On emulator the application starts up, I get to initial screen, click OK, sound OK, get to second screen, click with sound OK

    ... then the application "hangs" .. with loading screen prompt forever!

    On a real device (iPhone 8 with iOS 13.6),

    My application starts and goes all the way to the navigation menu (3rd screen) .. so further than emulator.

    Navigation between levels (it's a game) back and forth, settings menu, all work, normally.

    Choose to play a level and wham ..application re-starts and reloads back to initial screen.

    There are many console messages but the only error message is about missing assertions. The missing assertion messages happen long before the hanging (emulator) or re-starting (real device),.. see below..


    [assertion] Error acquiring assertion: <NSError: 0x2802e5d40; domain: RBSAssertionErrorDomain; code: 2; reason: "Client is missing required entitlement"> {

    userInfo = {

    RBSAssertionAttribute = <RBSLegacyAttribute: 0x1152098e0; requestedReason: MediaPlayback; reason: MediaPlayback; flags: PreventTaskSuspend | PreventTaskThrottleDown | WantsForegroundResourcePriority>;




    I am new to construct, Android and iOS, so probably missing something basic.

    But, from where I am right now, export from Construct 3 Xcode project for iOS 13 does not deliver a working application in iOS!! ,,, at least for my application.

    Unlike for Android which just builds and runs on emulator and real device, out of the box, no mods, no bugs.

    How come ?

    I am hoping that perhaps someone in the construct community has some ideas why.

    Many Thanks.

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