m00gg's Recent Forum Activity

  • Do you have events ( create or spawn object in layer number x ), if yes try to change the events and put the layer name not number and test it.

    Totally n00b, I had those objects with "global" property on, my mistake, maybe this could help someone in the future, I hope so!.

    Thanks for answering A0Nasser

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  • Hi there, I have the next problem:

    I have a button that makes my game go to another layout (say from gameplay to a menu) and when that happens a layer from the gameplay layout goes to the other layout (on of the top layers).

    ¿Any clue?.


    EDIT: For more information, I have the next layers on the gameplay layout:

    4 Pause

    3 Hud

    2 Player & Front Grass

    1 Stadium, Objects & Back Grass

    0 Sky & Background Objects

    The menu i'm trying to go have these layers:

    2 Countrys

    1 Text & Buttons

    0 Background.

    Just some objects are being throwed up to the other layout, even from different layers.

  • Hey eli0s!, first: thanks for replying!. I tried to PM you but Construct forum say that I should have 500 rep. points to do so... can you pm me with an email or skype to talk this more extensively? I fully understand you but I may need some help, I don't know if you can help me.


  • Hi there!, my name is Juan but you can call me m00gg as my nick suggests.

    I'm trying to do a soccer platformer game where the player has to do 'juggling' (hit the ball with the legs/foots and the ball can't touch the ground) which is a very simple mecanic. The main problem is that i'm working with an artist and she gives me the character spritesheets with the animations, I need that every animation has different physics (when the player elevates his leg to hit the ball, etc). I tried using different polygon shapes first, this gives me an Assertion Failure of polygon and also doesn't work pretty well, maybe i'm missing some point but I hope anyone knows a good way to achieve this gameplays mechanics.


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Member since 6 May, 2014

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