DiscoverKyle's Recent Forum Activity

  • May we please see proof of said licenses, and or any necessary tools need to publish to those platforms?

    Tools, as in the mac machine needed for ios, and obviously legal contracts relating to publishing copyrighted material.

    I will gladly show you, nothing to hide here! I don't have any contract thought, all content will belong to the creators and I will work out deals with each developer. The main point is to have a team of people under one name so that better quality work can come out in higher quantity.

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  • I am looking for developers that simply want to make games. I have the development licenses for Android and iOS. My goal is to get a group of developers under my license that can all work together to keep making great games. I am not in this for the money, I just want to see good games make it on to the app stores. Obviously I need to make some money off of this but we can negotiate that. If you are interested, let me know!

  • My name is Kyle, I am starting a game making group and i found this through some programmer friends!

  • If you want it on android of iOS i have the developers license for both. I'm looking to get a team of game makers together to all develop games and post through them! I'm not interested in money so much as I want to put out good games, message me if you are interested!

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Member since 28 Apr, 2014

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