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  • Same issue here. The URL is not being updated when is chaging inside the iframe.

  • Hi, the URL is not being updated when the URL change inside the iframe, when using the expression "iFrameInsertHTML.URL". Do you know why this could happen? Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks I could make it work for the background color, the font color doesn't seem to change with the jui theme. I will try other properties but this was really useful, thank you.

  • Thanks for the response. I have one other questions, maybe you can help me. I'm trying to change the color of the hover/selected row when no using any theme, do you know the css code I must use to change that? Thanks in advance.

  • Hi, Nice plugin, very useful, thanks for sharing it! I have one question, is it possible to align just one column to the left or right? I don't find a way to do it.

  • I updated the graphic drivers and now is resolved. Thanks for the help!

  • Thanks for the response, here is the capx file:


  • Hi,

    I'm having a problem when using a sprite with an image larger than 1024, on the editor, the image seems deformed when is larger but is look fine when is 1024 or lower. The image here explain it better:

    Is this something it can be changed with a configuration setting? I don't remember to have this issue on previous versions. I'm using 216.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Thanks for the response! Nice trick, it works! I was wondering if the movement of the text could be smoother since this solution adds character by character the movement is a little choppy. Thanks in advance.

  • I'm having a problem creating a horizontal scrolling text. I have a text that can be change in length, could be long sentence or a short one. I can't get a way to have all the text to be just one line (not wrap), the textbox always wraps the text. How can I accomplish this? I'm attaching a capx as an example. Thanks in advance!

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/k9pieuuqinrbj ... .capx?dl=0

  • [quote:2o2lzd6t]I understand you posture and I share it. The problem is that I need to deliver multiplatform games and I'm researching different products an the only way to know if this product has what it says it does is to test the full version, which is not possible if you don't buy it. I definitely will purchase the Personal license one I make sure this product is what I need.

    Thanks for the help.

    I hope you don't steal a car first before you decide to buy it !!!!

    Of course not, that's why you can get Test Drives and you get a full car on that test drive, you don't get half a car.


  • I understand you posture and I share it. The problem is that I need to deliver multiplatform games and I'm researching different products an the only way to know if this product has what it says it does is to test the full version, which is not possible if you don't buy it. I definitely will purchase the Personal license one I make sure this product is what I need.

    Thanks for the help.

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Member since 18 Apr, 2014

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