leotaglia's Forum Posts

  • Hi, I'm having an issue with the textbox form control on iOS exporting with the latest INTEL XDK.

    I have a login screen with user and password inputs, when the user touch the textbox the keyboard shows up but while typing no letters appears on the textbox and no text is being typed, this lead to not pass the login screen. The same screen works fine on Android exporting it with INTEL XDK.

    Someone has the same issue?

    Thans in advance.

  • Hi, is there a way to trigger a "on hold" event with form controls? Since the html are managed in a different way as other objects it does not detect the touches with the Touch Object.

    I know I can use a sprite but since I have other Form Controls as plugins I was wondering if someone has the same problem and got it resolved.


  • Hi, the cordova camera plugin doesn't work anymore on the new Intel XDK 3400 version, it does nothing or sometimes it crashes. Is there a way to have an updated/working version of it? Thanks.

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  • Is possible to set the view to the last row when adding row? For example, when I add several rows the view of the list keeps in the same place and you need to scroll down to view the new rows, is it possible to always get the last row in view? Thanks in advance.

    Hi, did you have the chance to add this feature? Thanks in advance.

  • Hi, someone has recently bought this plugin and try it on Intel XDK for Android and iOS? Is it working?

  • Thank you for responding Nandynho . I did try to use it on an Android device after exporting using Cordova. However, it didn't work for me. Maybe I will try it on anther device. But I also read that using Iframe is also not wholly secured

    http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/ ... d-iframes/,

    I'm using this plugin on Android exporting it with Cordova and creating the APK with Intel XDK and is working for opening internet sites. If this is the same case check your XDK plugin settings and the internet address trying to access (for example: google doesn't allow to access through iframe).

  • leotaglia , give until tonight and i will add that feature in the plugin

    Kraudi nop , but you can save the rows data and load them later

    Great, thanks! I'll wait for the update.

  • Good , if you can share your solution with others , maybe someone will have the same problem as you

    Nothing complicated, pretty simple, I fill the autocomplete list at the start of the layout instead of fill in it when pressing a button

  • no , but check your Email , i gave you another solution for your problem

    Thanks for the help, I managed to solve it, thanks!

  • Is possible to set the view to the last row when adding row? For example, when I add several rows the view of the list keeps in the same place and you need to scroll down to view the new rows, is it possible to always get the last row in view? Thanks in advance.

  • Hi, really useful plugin, is working great! One question, is a way to delete the suggestion list? Because I get duplicate entries if not. Thanks in advance.

  • Hi, really useful plugin, is there a way to style the radio buttons text with css? For example set background transparent, change font color, etc? Thanks in advance.

  • Same issue here. The URL is not being updated when is chaging inside the iframe.

  • Hi, the URL is not being updated when the URL change inside the iframe, when using the expression "iFrameInsertHTML.URL". Do you know why this could happen? Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks I could make it work for the background color, the font color doesn't seem to change with the jui theme. I will try other properties but this was really useful, thank you.