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  • We did some further testing, this seems to effect iOS 9+

    We tested older games developed in previous versions of c2. It seems they are all effected in the same way.


    c2 button does not register touch event, nor instigate opening new window using browser object.

  • Experiencing the same issue on Safari on iOS 9+

  • I was using the latest stable release r168. Just tested r169... the problem is reversed... in r169 when you turn the device from portrait to landscape... its aligned properly at the top, but the bottom of the canvas is about 10-20 pixels below the screen. So instead of it appearing to push canvas up 10-20 pixels cropping the top off screen... in r169... the size of the canvas appears to be 10-20 pixels taller in height than the screen. Those 10-20 pixels are off screen. This was tested on an ipad mini running 7.1. Reminder... this issue cannot be replicated in emulators.

    Not sure this is related, but just in case... I get this error when opening my file in r169...


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Plugin of non-world type specified 'rotatable'

    Condition: !(plugin_type == era::pt_objecttype && rotatable)

    File: Projects\ObjectType.cpp

    Line: 37

    Function: __cdecl ObjectType::ObjectType(class Project &,class ObjectFolder &,class Plugin *,const class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &,unsigned __int64)

    Build: release 169 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

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  • Similar issue persists in latest stable release. Posted here...

  • Problem Description

    Turning device from landscape to portrait then back to landscape causes about a 20 pixel space below the canvas which seems to be pushing the canvas up causing about 20 pixel cropping of the top of the canvas. Cannot scroll to bring canvas back into full view.

    Attach a Capx

    ____ Upload a Capx to this post ____

    Description of Capx

    The capx simply displays a yellow sprite that covers the layout area. There is some text at the top and bottom to demonstrate cropping and space below canvas on ios devices.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      [1]make sure browser is closed. open browser and launch capx on ios device (tested on safari) in landscape. [2]Turn device to portrait and back to landscape.

    Observed Result

    Space below canvas causing canvas to go same pixels higher causing cropping

    Expected Result

    Return to landscape maintains fullscreen canvas without space on the bottom pushing canvas higher and cropping its view.

    Affected Browsers

    • Safari

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ios 7.0.4

    ios 7.1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    168 (64bit)

  • I can confirm. Clearing out the offline cache file seems to have resolved numerous related issues with sounds in 'sounds' folder not playing on refresh as well as sounds which where getting called at a random # of seconds which where not triggering regardless of refresh or not.

  • Im experiencing the same very difficult to figure out and work around IOS bug. I may have some insight. Heres a capx http://tiny.cc/nqstfx demo link below.

    Using the latest stable c2 release. Tested on ipad 7.0.4 and ipad mini 7.1. Also tested in numerous ios versions/devices in emulators. Cannot replicate in emulators.

    Steps to reproduce...

    1. close safari

    2. clear cache

    3. visit http://tiny.cc/25rtfx

    4. touch anywhere to trigger sound and play animation of thrown object.

    5. hit the red box with the object (sprite animation) to trigger collision sound

    6. refresh and retry a few times. The impact sound eventually stops working. Throwing sound continues to work.

    Important insight :

    In testing it seemed best to setup the throwing sound to be in the 'music' folder in c2 and triggered on touch.

    The collision sound is in the 'sound' folder in c2 and triggered on object (sprite animation) collision with red box (sprite).

    It is only the sounds from the 'sound' folder that stop playing.

    So far removing the contents of the offline apache cache file seems to resolve the issue. Further testing required.

    No cache version here... http://tiny.cc/h5stfx

    Clearing cache a few times and possibly closing browser eventually makes it work again. Highly unpredictable.

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Member since 16 Apr, 2014

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