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I just noticed the same thing. ***** to be newbies. Send me an email at trashgg at yahoo dot com and I'll reply with the capx attached.
enemy on destroy add-1? shouldnt it be subtract 1?
It works both ways, I checked. But thanks to your observation I just realized something. If you kill the first enemy in pattern 1 in less than 1.5 seconds, before the second one spawns, then enemy = 0 and the wave resets and chooses a new pattern. That might be what's happening in bangnew's game. Maybe his enemies get killed much faster than in my example.
I tried a different approach. Set the number of enemies that will be spawned at the beginning of each pattern's list of actions
pattern = 0 => set enemy to 4
spawn first enemy
spawn second enemy
spawn third enemy
spawn fourth enemy
and so on. For pattern = 2 set enemy to 8 of course. Also, you need to remove "enemy - on created => add +1 to enemy" since the number is already set. This will solve the problem but you should note that the enemy variable no longer displays the number of enemies in the layout but the number of enemies that will be spawned for the current wave.